Landlord’s Guide to Rental Property Inspections & Access


Just how many rental property inspections can you do per property, and how often can you do them? Do you need to give your tenant notice of an upcoming inspection? Can they refuse you access? We’ll cover these questions and more in this handy guide about rental property inspections.

Importance of Rental Property Inspections

As a landlord, you want to ensure your rental is being cared for and is in good order. Rental property inspections are one tool you have which allows you to do just that. Some landlords are happy to perform the inspections themselves, while others use our pay as you go property management service to do it for them. Whichever one you decide to do; regular inspections are important because they allow you to check for:

  •   Damage to property or fittings
  •   Areas requiring maintenance or repairs
  •   Property cleanliness
  •   Alterations to the property
  •   Appliances and smoke alarms are working condition
  •   Tenant required maintenance is done, such as lawns and rubbish removedYou are also permitted to bring a camera with you to take photos of your rental property. This is handy for using to compare the property before, during and after a tenancy.

    Establishing a Schedule for Rental Property Inspections

    As a landlord, it is your decision how often you perform inspections upon your rental. Remember that frequent visits can be seen as intrusive by the tenant and can prove costly. However, if you have any concerns regarding your tenant or property, regular inspections are essential. An inspection can only occur once every four weeks, with many landlords visiting around every three months.

    Getting Access for a Property Inspection

    You must give the tenant at least 48 hours’ notice before the inspection, but no more than 14 days’ notice. You must visit the property between 8 am and 7 pm. If there is something that needs to be rectified by the tenant, you must give 48 hours’ notice before this can be inspected again.

    If you have given notice, offer the tenant the opportunity to be present during the property inspection if they wish. You cannot enter the property with force or threat of force if access is denied. That is a matter for the Tenancy Tribunal to solve.

    Our team of property managers are available to perform rental property inspections on your behalf. To discuss your needs, please contact us directly on 09 948 3255.

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