Mould and Dampness

Check for signs of mould and dampness before moving in

Before you move into the property, you and the landlord should inspect the property together and note any damage in a property inspection report (part of the tenancy agreement).

Use the inspection to look for any signs of mould or damp, and raise any concerns you have with the landlord.

When you complete the tenancy agreement, you can write in any conditions that you both agree on (as long as they comply with the Residential Tenancies Act 1986). Your tenancy agreement may contain more information about your responsibilities.

Understand your responsibilities

Once you move in, it’s your responsibility to keep your place clean and tidy. Your view of what ‘clean and tidy’ means could be different from the landlord’s.

You can help prevent mould with simple tasks like removing it when it first appears and wiping condensation off windows.

Be aware that you’re most likely to have problems with damp and mould in autumn and winter.

Air your home to prevent mould

A dry, well-aired home is easier to heat and healthier for you and your family. To air your home, open windows and doors whenever you can. Make the most of the sun’s warmth by opening curtains early in the morning and closing them when it’s dark.

If you’re creating steam or moisture, either by cooking, bathing or using a clothes dryer, open windows and use any extractor fans.

Other things you can do to prevent mould and damp are:

  • keep lids on pots when cooking
  • wipe condensation off walls and windows
  • hang washing outside, and make sure everything’s dry before putting it away
  • leave wardrobes slightly open and pull beds and furniture away from walls so they can breathe
  • keep the shower curtain hanging inside the shower or bath so water doesn’t drip on the floor, and wash the curtain every few weeks
  • use an electric heater rather than gas (gas heaters expel water as the gas burns)
  • keep only a few plants inside.

Remove mould as soon as it appears

To protect the health of everyone in your home, remove mould as soon as it appears. You could use diluted household bleach (1 part bleach with 3 parts water mixed together), or a less abrasive cleaner like cider vinegar. Your supermarket will also have a range of eco-friendly cleaners.

Use a clean sponge or cloth when washing off mould and rinse it often to reduce the risk of it spreading. Wear gloves when washing it away.

Keep mattresses aired to prevent damp

If you or anyone in your family sleeps on a mattress on the floor, this will cause damp on the floor space covered by the mattress. Damp can cause health problems, as well as maybe causing damage to the floor.

If it’s not possible to put the mattress on a proper bed frame off the floor, be sure to air the mattress every day – remove the bedclothes and lift it onto its side.

If the dampness is no one’s fault

If the house is damp through no fault of you or the landlord, or you can’t find the source of the dampness, who’s responsible for fixing the problem is uncertain. If this is the case, talk to your landlord to negotiate a solution you’re both happy with.

If you are in Wellington and require a property inspection report, get in touch with All Building Inspections.

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