5 Tips to Keep your Rental Warm and Dry for your Tenants

Under the Healthy Homes Guarantee Bill, as a landlord you must keep your rental warm and dry for your tenants. We share five tips to help you do that easily and affordably.

As a landlord, it is a requirement that you keep your rental warm and dry thanks to the Healthy Homes Guarantee Bill. Also, if your rental isn’t warm and cheap to heat, tenants are likely to see alternative accommodation which can leave your property empty. To help meet your obligations under the bill and increase the likelihood of attracting long-term tenants, we’ve got some suggestions for you to try.

How to Keep Your Rental Warm and Dry

We’ve put together a list of five simple ways you can help keep your rental warm and dry for your tenants. They are:

  1. Insulation: Make sure that the property is well-insulated. This includes making sure that the cavity walls, roof and under the floor are significantly insulated with Pink Bats or other insulating materials.
  2. Inspect the House and Clean Rain Gutters: Check that the roof is structurally sound and if there are any broken or loose tiles, they should be repaired Any leaves or other rubbish in the gutters should be removed, as these can overflow into the roof and the cavities of the wall causing moisture and mildew problems.
  3. Heat Source: Install a heat pump in the main room such as a living room as that is the primary area where the occupants will be. Alternatively, if you have a fireplace, ensure that your log burner is up to current pollution levels standards. By law though, you don’t need to provide a heat source – just a plug for the tenant to use with their heater.
  4. Draught Proofing: Check doors and windows for any gaps, as heat is frequently lost through these two areas. Often gaps and cracks appear when caulking is lost or weather damages window and door seals. Double glazing the windows will also reduce draughts and keep the heat in
  5. Trees and Plants: Trim or cut trees and hedges around the property that obstruct and stop sunlight from entering the house through the windows.

By identifying problem areas and solving those issues quickly, means that you can attract and retain quality tenants for your property. It’s also important that your tenants know to open the windows and curtains each day to allow fresh air into the property which reduces the chance of mould growth. You can read more about the Healthy Homes Guarantee Bill on the NZ Legislation website. When we manage your rental, we will also work with you to ensure you meet all of the bill’s requirements. Contact our team of Auckland property managers today for a chat about how we can make your life as a landlord stress-free!


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