Who pays for pest control the tenant or owner?

Who pays for pest control the tenant or owner.


This is a question that comes up quite often.  A landlord needs to make sure the property is pest free at the beginning of any new tenancy and a tenant is required to keep the property in a good clean condition so as not to encourage pests, this means not leaving food out and cleaning up crumbs and food waste so that pests like ants, fly’s, cockroaches, mice and rats are not enticed in for food.

Rats and Mice tend to look for somewhere warm when winter comes around.  Ants like to come inside when their nest has been disturbed, this could be caused by a heavy downpour of rain or earthworks near-by.

Wasps and Bees can make nests in and around the property usually during the spring and summer months as they move around.

Tenants should inform the landlord as soon as they become aware of a possible pest problem.  If the pests have arrived during the tenancy and the landlord or tenant have done nothing to cause the infestation then who pays for the eradication is uncertain.  So in most cases we would recommend the landlord and tenant divide the cost between them.

We would suggest these options before you arrange for a pest control company

Fleas – you can buy flea bombs from your local supermarket

Fly’s – we recommend using an automatic fly spray system like Robocan available at your local supermarket

Mice – Use mouse traps this way you can remove the dead mouse, if you use poison the mouse will run off and die somewhere and then smell whilst it decomposes.  Also if you use poison and a cat or dog eats the dying mouse the cat or dog could be poisoned.

Rats – Use rat traps this way you can remove the dead rat, if you use poison the rat will run off and die somewhere and then smell whilst it decomposes.  Also if you use poison and a cat or dog eats the dying mouse the cat or dog could be poisoned

Wasps and Bee’s – We don’t recommend eradicating these yourself as you might get stung so use a professional company.

Cockroaches – these critters are really hard to get rid of so using a professional company is best.

Ants – We recommend using Neverong or Wet and Forgets’ Ant’s in your pants product, this works by the worker bees eating the juice and taking it to the nest which kills the queen and then the nest dies – available from your local supermarket or Wet and Forget shops.


Written by Hollie Joss 8th June 2016

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